The Logo

We have always seen ourselves as a contest that aims to make the European puppy scene with all it’s facets and influences – also from other continents – visible. 

As organisers, we have our roots in the gay fetish scene. In order to draw attention to this, we took this as an opportunity to choose the handkerchief worn in a jeans pocket as our logo. A symbol to remind us that, in the past, it was necessary to hide one’s queer sexual orientation and preferences from the public. Sexual interactions between men were illegal and liable to prosecution in many countries worldwide. Also trans and queer people were discriminated against and victims of violence.

Although the main colors of the logo are related to the flag of the European Union, we explicitly mean the continent of Europe, such as extended to Malta, Cyprus and Israel. The golden seam represent the golden stars that are supposed to represent our united community from different countries and cultural backgrounds.

The handkerchief in orange means that we respect all fetishes and kinks and have no prejudices. We want to honor the freedom of sexuality and rise awareness about the responsibilities which come along them.

The paw as a highlight upon the hankerchief, is intended to show our special connection to puppy play.

The organizing team

Kitty  he/she/they

Kitty has been involved with the European title since it’s beginning. 

Created in 2015 by Darklands and the Dog’s BolloXX, Kitty was one of the judges brought in for a bit of fun, as who heard of a cat judging puppies? 

Supported by the outgoing titleholder, and a previous contestant from the inaugural contest, Kitty started to manage the contest for Darklands in 2016.  

President of the team who produces the contest and supports the titleholders throughout their title year, Kitty oversaw the changes such as removing the gendered title, and adding the handler contest. Both of which started from the 2022 edition. 

Kitty can be found at Darklands year on year, and around some of the fetish events across Europe. 

Constantly trying to improve the contest year on year, Kitty is looking forward to celebrating the 10th edition and 10th anniversary in 2025.

Bentley  they/them

After becoming  the inaugural Mr Puppy Netherlands in October 2016, Bentley traveled far and wide to settle the title. During their titleyear, Bentley ran for Mr Puppy Europe and became the silver medalist. They’ve been involved in the community since 2015.

After their run for Mr Puppy Europe, they started helping out. First just as a stage hand, then stage managing the contest, eventually becoming the Vice President in 2021 and working as Executive Producer. On the day of the contest, they are the ones running everything. Wrangling contestants, judges, stage hands, liaising with the Darklands stage crew etc.

If you see Bentley with a clipboard and a focused look, they will bulldoze over you, after they give you a hug.

Buumi  he/him

Puppai Buumi, with his iconic Mirror hood, was elected as the third Mr Puppy UK, in December 2017.

During his title year, his aim was to promote better collaboration between events, and to encourage pups to travel between events more frequently.

In March of 2018, Buumi, his partner Tooklin and Pup Kane set up a brand new pup event in Birmingham, Uk called Club Scritches. 

The logo of which was designed by Tooklin as a caricature of Buumi, would go on to be used as Buumi’s title logo, and pin badge.

With a special golden Buumi pin badge, being given out to any pup who goes above and beyond in support of the puppy community.

In 2018 Buumi ended up visiting an event or pride on no less than 43 of the 52 weekend in 2018, building up good will and contacts across the Uk and Europe.

He competed and placed third at the Mr Puppy Europe election in February 2018, and felt that his lack of title experience at the time went against him.

Upon returning to Darklands in February of 2019, he was successfully elected as Mr Puppy Europe (2019), while championing his initiative #LendAPaw. A campaign which garnered international attention with two simple messages for the fetish community.

1. Look after your own mental health and seek help if you need it.

2. Check in on your friends and those around you, even the smallest friendly gesture could help someone else.

Buumi also travelled extensively as Mr Puppy Europe, and has been invited to judge 16 other contests to date.

As well as taking up a position of producer for both UK and EU organisations, he also mentors all the UK and Europe contestants as Den Daddy. All the while continuing to help and support pups and handlers across the European and international communities.

Buumi can still be found at events around Europe, and his love for the community only grows with each passing day.